What is Setu Babakan? Setu babakan is "kampung" or village in the middle of crowded Jakarta that made as conservation and development Betawi culture by Jakarta Government. Betawi culture is genuine culture of Jakarta People.
Setu Babakan is located in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. You can taste the original betawi food likes ketupat nyiksa, kerak telor, ketupat sayur, laksa, soto betawi, roti buaya, bir pletok, nasi uduk, kue apem, toge goring, and many more. And every saturday and sunday, there are performing betawi art likes topeng dance, cokek, kasidah, marawis, gambus music, lenong betawi , tanjidor , gambang kromong, dan ondel-ondel.
Pencak silat in Lenong Show apem cake

Kerak Telor Setu Babakan, South Jakarta
To reach setu babakan, you can use Jakarta Public Transportation :
1. From Pasar Minggu bus terminal (south jakarta bus terminal), go by kopa bus route number 616 and get off at setu babakan gate
2. Or for convenience, you can go by taksi.