Innovation is an improvement and practice to the better step until the unimangine layer. Innovation is not always big, but often this is just a part of function in small thing. And sometimes radical innovation is not accepted cause of rubbing against the rules. So Where is the starting point begin? And for me is just start from the most simple existing thing that you know because innovation is improvement to be better. Then think in big frame,long term period and understand what is already around you. Study about possibility and support of your idea. If there is no possibility and no support to do your idea, redesign your innovation idea or make support system to realize your innovation. Too many people said to think out of the box, so the first is we must to know and understand how is the box. How wide the box. Is there any space for our innovation. If your innovation is wider than the box, resize your innovation or make new box for your innovation. The box in here is system. It can be government ruler, education system, financial system, etc.
"Thomas Alfa Edison found lamp technology in 1879 and after three years from the invention in 1882, the lamp just used to applied in 1 kilometre road. And just in 1890 he finished establish General Electic Factory. It is caused the lamp that invented by Edison powered by electrical energy supply and in 1879 the infrasructure was not already and the competitor of lamp technology had been improved more advanced likes lighting using gasses or oil. Innovation of lamp in that period is wider than the box. So Edison must designed steam engine to produce electric energy and the wire installation to distribution as a box to placed his innovation. And now in 21 century, lamp is usual technology in the world."
Observing, Understanding, and Defining The Condition Around Us is Important Part of Innovation