Design in white and black side

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  • Monday, June 20, 2011
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  • hasbi
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  • Black and white is the most neutral color in the world. This color won't lost the identity if collide with others. White always low profile on other colors and black always give darkness effect on others. But if white and black is combined, will give other color, it is gray with the certain composition. And every gray is not black or white. The degree always different in every gray and has certain feeling in every eyes, but the most objective way to feel it is by compare with the base color of gray, there is black and white.

    Sometimes someone must asking to their self why they must do their part. And to answer the question we need to use black and white in our sight although sometimes we don't do real black or white but we do in gray area. There is suggestion from someone to start from deciding the hearth in one side, the black side or the white side. And then try to love every consequences in our choices. The last is just do it in the correct way although may some our action is gray, black, or white because every people always get the appropriate response based on their intend in their hearth.

    Komposisi garis – garis lebih tebal di sebelah kanan mengarahkan pandangan untuk langsung melihat tulisan tetapi terhalang oleh lingkaran-lingkaran besar di sebelah kiri sehingga komposisinya cenderung merata.

    Composition of wide line in right side force sight to go there but the circle object in left side brake the velocity of sight movement

    Komposisi garis dan lingkaran yang cenderung teratur. Mengarahkan pandangan ke huruf L dan O tetapi kemudian memaksa pandangan untuk bergerak ke sebelah kanan pada object lingkaran dan gari yang lebih tebal.

    Composition of line and circle in lean good arrangement make sight see all object but the circle in L and O give pressing in there

    Komposisi garis dan segitiga tak beraturan dengan komposisi merapat ke tengah mengarahkan pandangan langsung menuju huruf huruf yang ada.

    Composition line and triangle in lean no arrangement and sucked up in the middle of square area make sight to pressing straight in to the word.